Visual C++ - Conditional statement: if, if else

By conditions we can control our program. thanks conditional statement we can control program running in two directions. if the condition is satisfied to continue running the program in a first direction, if not as the second direction. under the directions of the programme I think either statement or block of statements.

if, if else


if (condition) statement1
if (condition) statement1 else statement2
Used keywords: if else



Visual C++ .NET

Conditional statement the possible of use:
if (i > 10)
i =10;            i = i - 1;   i++;
if (i < 10) i = 10; else i=1;

Visual C++ .NET

Other pieces of example codes:
if (i==16)
if ( x >= 12 )
   while ( y >= 0 )  
if (i==5)
if ( x == 5 )
if (x>5)
  y = (float)x / 0xa;  // y = 1
if (i - 10 >0) i = i-5;
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