Visual C++ - Automatic variable declaration

Variable declaration is used for its creation.

automatic variable declaration


type name =init_value;
type name =init_value , name = init_value;
Used keywords: =
  • name -



Visual C++ .NET

Automatic variable declaration the possible of use:
xmin = -128; ymax = 127;
signed char x= -5;           // x = -5
signed char y = -(15 % 4);   // y = -3
y = (signed char)(x * y);    // z = 15

Visual C++ .NET

Other pieces of example codes:
short y = -(1500 % 60);
unsigned long long y = 10250 / 8;
float y = 123456789;
double y = 123456789;
long long y = -(1512345 / 70);
unsigned short y = 1025 % 8;
Automatic variable declaration in another programming language:
Differences to:
Languages: en hu cz sk