Visual Basic - Bitwise left shift: <<

Bit shift to the left as many time shifts the input number to the left as many as the value of the second input. output bits will be lost and the input bits will be 0. bit shift to the left can be used to multiply the power of 2. for example, when 8 is shifted twice the result is 32, it is the same as if multiplied 8 with two on second that is four and 4 multiplied with 8 is 32.



par1 << par2
Used keywords: <<




Visual Basic .NET

Bitwise left shift the possible of use:
x = 16 << 2      ' x = 64
y = &Hf << 5     ' y = 480
z = (x << y) << 2' z = 256

Visual Basic .NET

Even one example in what situations we can use the operation bitwise left shift:
i << 4
&H12AB << j
128 << (j <<(3 + i))

Visual Basic .NET

Other pieces of example codes:
2 << 2

You can find it in the following collections: bitwise operators
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