Free Pascal - Multiplication: *

Multiplication is a matematical operation, it can be used for integers and real numbers.multiplication is an associative operation, therefore order of operands is important. it is necessary to pay attention to the type of output was large enough, otherwise the operation can easily cause an overflow. for example, multiplying two 16-bit numbers we need to put at least 32-bit variable, to prevent overflow.



par1 * par2
Used keywords: *




Free Pascal

Multiplication the possible of use:
x := 10 * 5;      // x=50
y := 100 * 1.2;   // y=120
z := (x / 5) * 10;// z=100

Free Pascal

Even one example in what situations we can use the operation multiplication:
i * $FF
10 * 3.14
(10 - j * 0.5) * 2

Free Pascal

Other pieces of example codes:
x * 2 div y
(x * y)
x * 2 / y
i := x * 5;
(x * y)
x := 5 * y;

You can find it in the following collections: arithmetic operators
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