Free Pascal - Hexadecimal literal

Hexadecimal integer constant, also known as base 16 constant. it is from combination of following hexadecimal digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a/A, b/B, c/C, d/D, e/E, f/F

hexadecimal literal





Free Pascal

Hexadecimal literal the possible of use:
x := $1234;       // x = 4660
y := 4 * $ff;     // y = 1020
if x>$abc then
  y := x / $a;    // y = 466

Free Pascal

Other pieces of example codes:
$ff and $05
$ff or k
$ff mod 50
i * $FF
$A shr 2
x / $a

You can find it in the following collections: constants
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