Free Pascal - Integer division: div

Integer division is a mathematical operation that can be used only for whole numbers. the result of division we get without rounding simply with leave of fraction.



par1 div par2
Used keywords: div




Free Pascal

Integer division the possible of use:
x := 250 div 8;       // x=7
y := x div 3;         // y=2
z := (x * 2 div y +5);// z=9

Free Pascal

Even one example in what situations we can use the operation integer division:
i div $0a
27 div 3
(25 div 2 + 1) + 2

Free Pascal

Other pieces of example codes:
70 div 8
(1512345 div 70)
(15123 div 70)
y:= 1025 div 8;
y:= 10250 div 8;

You can find it in the following collections: arithmetic operators
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