Pascal - Division: /

Division is a matematical operation, it can be used for integers and real numbers.



par1 / par2
Used keywords: /



  • Result - Real numbers Result of the division is always a real number.
Note: If we want a integer as a result, so let's use the integer division operation or by using some rounding function we can convert the result to an integer.
Compatible programing languages:
Free Pascal | Object Pascal



Division the possible of use:
x := 64 / 8;   { x=8}
y := x / 0.5;   { y=16}
z := (x * 2 / y +5);{ z=1.1}


Even one example in what situations we can use the operation division:
i / $ab
27 / 3
(2.5 / 2 + 1.25) + 2


Other pieces of example codes:
50 / i
x >= y / 5
y := x / $a
(x / 5)
y := y/ 3.14
y := x / $a

You can find it in the following collections: arithmetic operators
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