Object Pascal - Less than: <

Less than operator is a logical operator that is used to compare two numbers.



par1 < par2
Used keywords: <



  • Result - Logical value Returns a true, if the first number is less than the second, otherwise false.
Note: It works over all types of numbers.


Object Pascal

Less than the possible of use:
a := 5 < 10;       // a = true 
b := 8 < x; 
if y < 100 then  

Object Pascal

Even one example in what situations we can use the operation less than:
x < y
10 < f(5)
(i and j) < 128

Object Pascal

Other pieces of example codes:
if  y < 100 then  
if y<5 then
   y := y/ 3.14;    // y = 1.234
not i <10
if i < 10 then i := 10 else i:=1;
10 >a or a<5
a>1 or a<100

You can find it in the following collections: relational operators
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