Object Pascal - Additive inverse: -

Operator negative sign is used to change the sign of expressions. it works as a negation: if the expression value is positive then the result will be negative, and if the expression is negative then the result will be positive.



- expression
Used keywords: -




Object Pascal

Additive inverse the possible of use:
xmin := -32768; ymax := 32767;
x:= -1234;        // x = -1234
y:= -(1500 mod 60);// y = -25
y := smallint((x * y));    // z = 30850

Object Pascal

Other pieces of example codes:
y:= -(1512345 div 70);
y:= -(15 mod 4);
y:= -(15123 div 70);

You can find it in the following collections: arithmetic operators
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